NBLC Club house- 574 Nudgee Rd, Albert Bishop Park, Nundah. We are very excited to announce our GIANT ROCK SALE is on Saturday the 21st of September 2019/ From 8am – 2pm.
Sausage sizzle and drinks available.
We have so many rocks from all over. Small and Large Agate Creek agate nodules. Prehnite rough – 1kg bag lots. Windera/Cloyna Agate – Tumble and slabbing grade. Petrified wood from Chinchilla. Jasper. Rhodonite. Faceting rough. Garnet. Peridot. Tourmaline. Lots to choose from.
Contact: rocksale@nblc.com.au for your full catcalogue of itmes for sale – one week out from 21st September 2019.
No Sales before 8am. Material will be sold on a first come first served basis.