Run by Ray Wilson
Six members participated in a cuttlefish casting workshop on Monday. While some members had previous experience, others had only heard of the art or watched videos on YouTube. All participants learned how to select an appropriate sized cuttlebone for their object and prepare the soft cuttlebone for casting. Various methods of creating a design from tracing to embedding to freehand carving were discussed. A variety of purpose ready and home made carving tools were demonstrated. Everyone was able to cast a piece of textured sterling silver that can now be used as jewellery item or encompassed in other pieces of jewellery. It was great to watch members back in the club learning new skills and being excited by the creation of artistic pieces from this simple process.
A further day for cuttlebone casting has been planned.

On the day – Anne using the torch
Attached are some of the items that I have made over the last few years using cuttlebone.