- Round links x 85 using 1.0 mm square silver wire (twisted) and a 2.9 mm mandrel
- Elongated links x 18 using 1.0 mm round silver wire and a 8.4 mm mandrel
- 1 x Clasp
- Finished length: 56 cm
- Twist square wire. Anneal. Using 2.9 mm mandrel make 85 jump rings.
- Anneal round wire. Using 8.4 mm mandrel make 18 jump rings.
- Solder 8.4 mm jump rings and clean joins. Pull into long/elongated links.
- Start to assemble necklace soldering 5 twisted jump rings, then 1 long link, alternately.
- Clean joins.
- Attach clasp.
- Clean and polish necklace.
Alternate Pattern 1 (3:1 links)

- Round links x 78 using 1.0 mm round silver wire and a 2.9 mm mandrel
- Elongated links x 25 using 1.0 mm square silver wire (twisted) and a 8.4 mm mandrel
- 1 x Clasp
- Twist square wire. Anneal. Using 8.4 mm mandrel make 25 jump rings.
- Solder twisted jump rings and clean joins. Pull into long links.
- Anneal round wire. Using 2.9 mm mandrel make 78 jump rings.
- Start to assemble necklace soldering 3 round jump rings, then 1 long link, alternately.
- Clean joins.
- Attach clasp.
- Clean and polish necklace.
Alternate Pattern 2 (3:1 links)

Using 1.00mm or 0.8mm round silver or gold round wire
Length: 56cm
□ Allow 1 m of round and square silver wire to make the necklace