Only 4 answers were submitted from those of you who know their polishing tools. The answers were pretty consistent, with the exception of one! So I can only assume, the rest of you like me are keen to learn from those knowledgeable few.
- Calico polishing mop – an all round mop suitable for polishing flat surfaces to a high polish/lustre, used with various compounds, generally used before #2, OR for buffing the lines around the neck.
- Lambs wool mop – as above for polishing flat surfaces but gentler than #1 and as a final polish OR for putting powder around the eyes.
- Hard Felt mop – Again for polishing/pre-polishing flat surfaces or edges, firmer than #1 & #2, OR in case #1 gets worn out buffing all the lines around the neck.
- Soft Cotton mop (often called a wool mop) – very soft and flexible, ideal for the final polish OR putting powder around the neck.
- Brass brush – used to clean up precious metals before polishing and can also give a brushed finish OR to scrape of any heavy makeup.
- Steel brush – used for a more defined brushed finish OR to buff the hard parts on your heels.
- Goats hair – for polishing hard to reach or textured areas OR to stimulate the knuckles after doing the heels.
- Goats hair – as #7 just a different shape OR to stimulate the knuckles on the hands after gripping the tools so hard.