by Mary Lancaster

- 1.5mm round silver wire
- Make jump rings: 1 x 9.75 mm mandrel, 2 x 8.5 mm mandrel, 2 x 6.0 mm mandrel
- Solder and pull into oval shape, use flat-nose pliers to level sides of ovals
- Hammer each jump ring
- Use file to flatten sides of jump rings ready to join
- Solder two medium-sized jump rings to larger jump ring
- Solder two smaller jump rings onto each side
- Shape to form top of ring
- Cut two approximate lengths of round silver wire to make shank of ring
- Solder two lengths together (tie each end together with wire to hold)
- Measure shank for correct size to form ring, file ends flat ready for soldering
- Solder one end of shank to ring top (easier to place in hole in firebrick)
- Gently shape shank and solder other side to ring top
- Use ring mandrel and nylon hammer to reshape finished ring
- Use file and emery paper to clean
- Final clean with brass brush
- Polish
Other rings made with ‘odds and ends’ of silver.