by Pam
When I first joined the Club in 2003 Jean (Witt) was the only silversmithing instructor. She looked after the ordering of the silver and put a lot of time in teaching people. Her husband Len was a cabbing instructor and a member of QLACCA. They were both very supportive of NBLC, helping at stalls and shows throughout, until Len passed away. Jean later gave up teaching and eventually moved to Kilcoy (where she still lives). When the extension was built on the club, the committee decided to acknowledge Jean with “Jean’s Corner”.
As you can see in the first photo the clubhouse was quite small. With only the kitchen, toilets, 2 faceting machines in a corner, saw room, a couple of cabbing wheels, silversmithing tables, a bookcase as storage and a library. It was due to a few people that put in the time and effort to build the extension.
With a lot of hard work and effort (plus a grant), the then committee decided to extend the club. First building the cabbing area, faceting room, gemmology room (now the office), and shed. Also making the toilets into a disabled access. After a couple of years, they then built the library, kitchen storage room and the office.
As for the photo of Milton (Fox) he has been making the tea on Wednesday mornings and setting things up outside for many years. So was nicknamed the tea lady (& mouse catcher at one stage). Also cleaning the toilets and kitchen areas.

Original Club House building taken from front (Nudgee road side) – Photo taken in October 2005

The Club House today taken from the back – photo taken January 2021
Spot the difference!

Foundations to the extension – May 2006

On goes the roof – October 2006


Up go the walls – July 2006

Jean’s Corner – taken 2016