This is a fun competition open to all members. The winner is voted by those attending the Christmas party. It is not about skill level or technique but appeal and originality.
The theme for the 2024 competition is “Botanical/Landscape” – entry forms can be collected at the clubhouse or downloaded here
Once again this year we encourage all members to use their imagination and find interesting rocks, be creative with facets, cast something from nature, enamelling or the topic also lends itself to fold forming , stamping, metal clay etc.
The theme for the 2023 competition is “Animals” – entry forms can be collected at the clubhouse or downloaded here
Use your imagination – Cast, Engraved, Enamelled, Cabbed, Carved or Facet. Jewellery representing your pet or for your pet 😊. Cabbed stones that look like fish. Stones with spiders made from the facets.

The theme for the 2022 competition is “Celtic” – entry forms can be collected at the clubhouse or downloaded here

The theme for the 2021 competition was “Christmas“.
Items included Christmas themed jewellery and Christmas themed cabs. Well done Brian with entry number 4.